Press Release IKONICK LAUNCHES INAUGURAL NFT COLLECTION AND COLLABORATION CONTEST May 3, 2021 Destini Volkman IKONICK, the trade main artwork model co-founded by digital artist Jeff Cole, Mark Mastrandrea and backed by entrepreneurial icons Gary Vaynerchuk & Scooter Braun is launching its first ever non…
Press Release Nebulaplan’s Hash Rate Exchange Centre To Launch “Quarkhash”, With Bitmain As Its Supporting Infrastructure March 13, 2021 Dixie Walker Recently, the NebulaPlan ecosystem which focuses on world hash fee, is making ready to launch its ecosystem “window” – QuarkHash as NebulaPlan’s hash fee change platform. The launch would enable…
Press Release After the listing on UNISWAP, Sensitrustrewards Liquidity Providers through March 3, 2021 Destini Volkman Sensitrust LTD is a hi-tech startup included in the UK, that’s implementing a web based platform the place prospects and professionals get in contact, strengthen their community, make offers, and…
Press Release New Zero Gas Fee Design: Solution to DeFi’s Scaling Issues November 13, 2020 Dixie Walker PlasmaPay New York, USA, Nov. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — To discover a answer to the rising value of gasoline on Ethereum, PlasmaPay’s Chain allows close to fast token transfers…